Brian Drew Smith

Fallen Hero’s Hometown and State: McKinney , TX

Branch of Service: United States Army

Rank: 2nd Lt.

After practicing law for a couple of years in Austin, Brian decided to fulfill his childhood dream, and joined the Army in January of 2003 where he was trained as a Tank Commander.Brian deployed to Iraq and served as a Platoon Leader with A Company, 1st Battalion, 34th Armor 1st Inf. Div. On July 2, 2004, LT Smith was shot while leading a patrol and died as a result of his wounds.

Grew up in McKinney, Texas where he participated in the Boy Scouts Troop 303 earning the rank of Eagle Scout and graduated from McKinney High School in 1990. Went on to the University of Texas where he graduated in 1994 with a degree in History. He attended Baylor University School of Law and received his law degree in 1998.

Brian loved to correspond with family, friends and an ever-growing list of readers and colleagues, with his thoughts and observations concerning the conflict in Iraq. He was Brilliant.

Age: 30

Date of Death: July 02, 2004

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