DJ Jaikaran

Fallen Hero’s Hometown and State: Bronx, NY

Branch of Service: U.S. Navy

Rank: Master of Arms

DJ Jaikaran served in the US Navy for over 15 years. He was deployed overseas multiple times with the USS Constellation and USS Stennis. During his time with MSRON-3, he was deployed to Spain, Africa, the Middle East, GA among other places across the globe. His entire career was dedicated to the support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom.

DJ was a hard working, strong, trustworthy, smart sailor who enjoyed his time serving in the US Navy. He was a caring, kind, fun loving father who always found the time to make his children. He was a faithful, loving, tender, gentle husband who could always make his spouse laugh out loud.

DJ loved his children, Dominic & Bella, with his whole heart. He dedicated his entire life to their happiness and made sure they grew up with his life motto, “Always keep believing.”

Age: 33

Date of Death: September 16, 2014

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