Eric Albertus Hamm

Fallen Hero’s Hometown and State: Fishkill, NY

Branch of Service: U.S. Navy

Rank: Lieutenant

Lieutenant Eric Hamm graduated from the University of Dallas in 1988 and graduated from AOCS first in his class in June 1989. Stationed in California, TX, VA, and finally Japan, Eric excelled as an A-6 pilot and embraced the challenges of flying this low-level plane and landing on carriers. He and his navigator John Dunne were killed during a training mission in Japan.

Despite being stationed all over the world, and well before the ease of technology-based communication, Eric maintained connections with so many people. Whether he was in the room with you, on one of those rare long-distance phone calls, or conveying stories through his letters, he made you laugh. To know Eric was to love Eric.

Eric’s actions reflected how he prioritized faith, family and friends above all other things. All three were important to him and shaped who he was. His legacy serves as a reminder of the profound impact that can be made on others through small actions of great love.

Age: 28

Date of Death: October 14, 1994

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