Gene Ramirez

Fallen Hero’s Hometown and State: San Antonio, TX
Branch of Service: United States Marine Corps
Rank: Staff Sergeant
Staff Sergeant Gene Ramirez was a Marine’s Marine. Trusted by his commanding officers to perform above his normal duties, he stepped up to any challenge and was respected by all who served with him. He was a big brother to comrades in many assignments, but especially in combat. After being wounded in Fallujah, Ramirez insisted his fellow Marine, a corporal, be cared for first. Ramirez later died as a result of his injuries.
Gene will always be remembered for having a huge heart, his big blue eyes and everyone’s best friend. He loved to follow his favorite Texas teams: the Longhorns, Cowboys, and Spurs, calling home frequently to get updates and boasting of their success to all who would listen. He admired his father for serving in Vietnam and planned on making the Corps a career.
As a testament to Gene’s legacy, his friends and family have maintained a scholarship fund in his honor, to be given to students from his alma mater in San Antonio, Texas.
Age: 30
Date of Death: November 10, 2004