Howard R. Cody

Fallen Hero’s Hometown and State: Gulfport, MS
Branch of Service: United States Air Force
Rank: Captain
Captain Howard Cody completed flight school at Reese Air Force Base in Texas, before continuing his education at the University of Southern Mississippi’s Cadet Training Program. After marrying, he moved from Mobile, Alabama, to Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and then to Newburg, New York, before being deployed to Vietnam as an advisor. His family knew he flew missions while deployed.
Howard had a variety of interests, from restoring a Model A Ford to cooking and serving his small children frogs legs. He even tried his hand at making beer and bought a dune buggy in Fort Walton.
Howard was a military man through and through, even whistling Revelry in the mornings to wake his children up for school. He loved flying and was fortunate to do what he loved.
Age: 29
Date of Death: November 24, 1963