Kendall H. Ivy II

Fallen Hero’s Hometown and State: Galion, OH

Branch of Service: U.S. Marine Corps

Rank: Sergeant

SSergeant Ivy proudly served in the Marine Corps with Columbus, OH-based Lima Co. 3/25. During a very successful and influential combat deployment to Western Iraq in 2005, his squad’s amphibious assault vehicle struck an IED blast entering yet another city on Operation Matador. Six men would perish that day, with several others critically wounded. He will never be forgotten.

Kendall was serving with a sister company of Lima 3/25 and operating only a few hundred miles away when he was called to action, taking command of fallen Marine SSergeant Anthony Goodwin’s 1st Platoon, still battling the insurgency in Operation Matador. He took the time to quickly get to know each of us before resuming combat operations, a leadership action that I have always deeply admired.

Sergeant Ivy’s image is painted in life-size by artist Anita Miller and travels the entire country with the Eyes of Freedom Memorial, honoring ALL who answer our nation’s call; then, now, and tomorrow. He continues his service in the form of engaging Veterans and their families, showing gratitude and offering a place of healing. His legacy, like thousands of others, proudly lives on.

Age: 28

Date of Death: May 11, 2005

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