Michael J. Crescenz

Fallen Hero’s Hometown and State: Philadelphia, PA

Branch of Service: U.S. Army

Rank: Corporal

Mike Crescenz served just two months in-country in South Vietnam. On Nov. 20, 1968, Mike charged up a mountain incline under intense machine gun fire, silencing 3 bunkers of entrenched NVA soldiers, and was mortally wounded attacking a fourth bunker. Because of his actions, many of his comrades were saved and defeated the enemy that day. He was awarded the Medal of Honor on April 7, 1970.

Mike loved his God, his family, and his country. He was kind and generous to those who were less fortunate and had a strong moral and ethical compass. Mike was a straight up young man, who disliked liars and backstabbers and would tell you what he thought about you. You knew where you stood with him.

He fought to protect his brothers-in-arms, and felt his job was to free those who were being persecuted by the Communists.

Age: 19

Date of Death: November 20, 1968

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