Scott M. Love

Fallen Hero’s Hometown and State: Huntsville, AL

Branch of Service: U.S. Army

Rank: First Lieutenant

First Lieutenant Scott M. Love enlisted in the Army in 1999 serving as an intelligence specialist. He deployed to Kuwait shortly after 9/11. Upon return, he completed Officer Candidate School and was commissioned Infantry. He deployed as platoon leader with the 2/6 Infantry. He died while leading a patrol in Ramadi, Iraq when his vehicle was struck by an IED.

“Scott always had the moral courage to do the right thing. He treated everyone: seniors, peers, the lower enlisted, even the Iraqis, with respect and dignity. He faced the risks and challenges to him head on, and he led from the front,” recalled soldiers from Love’s platoon.

In addition to being an exceptional soldier, Scott was also a talented artist, writer and actor. He made friends easily with his sense of humor and he enjoyed being different, not ordinary.

Age: 32

Date of Death: June 07, 2006

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