Thomas Moore

Fallen Hero’s Hometown and State: Baton Rouge, LA

Branch of Service: U.S. Air Force

Rank: Chief Master Sergeant

On October 31, 1965, Thomas Moore and three other U.S. service members were returning from a rest and relaxation break in Vung Tau, South Vietnam. They were riding in a truck with a Vietnamese driver and while en route to Saigon the truck was stopped by local communist guerilla forces and Thomas along with three U.S. service members were captured.

Thomas loved his family and was a great dad. He loved his country, being in the Air Force and believed in freedom no matter what.

As his eldest daughter, I was 11 when he left and in our last conversation he stated “always stay true and become special, because I was special and take care of your mother and younger sisters and brothers.” I remember him and say his name.

Age: 36

Date of Death: October 31, 1965

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