Wardell B. Turner

Fallen Hero’s Hometown and State: Nanticoke, MD

Branch of Service: U.S. Army

Rank: Sergeant Major

His genuine concern and care for those in crisis, those wounded in combat, and those suffering from issues related to trauma, always made him the first to show his support, and he never forgot to check-in on you afterwards. He would do anything to help our fellow troops and their families.

SGM Turner was the epitome of a leader. He cared deeply for all his troops, their families, and always ensured that the mission and the families were taken care of. SGM Turner ensured he watched over his fellow wounded personnel and that they would know he, and his family, were there to support their families needs, no matter where he was in the world.

A true friend and American Hero.

Age: 48

Date of Death: November 24, 2014

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